Your daily quick-fix of the wacky world of sports, pop-culture and anything interesting (for the year 2007-08)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 - Africa is Hockeyville?

-Tiger Woods on retiring from golf, "When I get to a point where my best is not good enough anymore, as I prepare and I practice and I get ready, and I know if I go out there and play the way I know I can play and it's just not good enough anymore, my skills have diminished that far, it's time for me to move on, rack the cue and go home."
-An autopsy of steroids dealer David Jacobs showed more than five times the amount of testosterone in his body than allowed in standard testing - which lead to his rage and murdering of his wife. Disgusting.
-A potential hockey fan base in Africa?
-Team Canada baseball will be one pitcher short, as J.P Riccardi has called up Scott Richmond. Talk about hurting your reputation with Canadian fans even more, however; I'm of the opinion that Riccardi is doing what's best for the team.
-The Phillies' Joe Blanton was asked what the last song he downloaded onto his Ipod was. His answer? Find Out Who Your Friends Are by Tim McGraw. You gotta love the useless facts Sports Illustrated provides fans with.
-The Big Hurt expressed no ill-feelings in his return to Toronto. "It's good to be back in the city...I miss the place."
-Brandon Webb contunues to impress, becoming the first 16-game winner in the league.
-I'm guessing writer Brian Costello isn't a fan of Mats Sundin, for his article titled, "Top 10: Reasons why Mats Sundin isn't a hall of famer."
-Prince Fielder has apologized for his scuffle with teammate Manny Parra.
-The torch has been somewhat passed on Team USA. Veteran Jason Kidd is beginning to see his minutes diminish as the youngsters, Chris Paul and Deron Williams are learning the FIBA game, and improving the more they play.
-Best Damn Sports Show Period's semi-regular Amanda Beard is posing nude for PETA to protest fur clothing.
-Two of the Top 10 most overplayed songs at college campus' include: "Anything by Jack Johnson or any other marginally talented acoustic guitar-based singer" and "Anything by or featuring Lil Wayne" among the usual suspects.

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